Monday, June 18, 2007

A Lawyer and A Doctor?

I know, it is a bit too much, isn't it? But what can I say...we rule as parents!!!!

Jubilation :)

Matt's lovely Monika receiving congratulatory hugs from the 'Mother in Law'.

Some 'aftergrad' fun with Elijah David

Six days after our return from San Francisco we drove to Whitefish, Montana to board the train to Chicago. We had an exhilarating visit. Chicago makes San Francisco look like a village; it is totally crazy - fast, loud, though not as smelly as S.F. Someday we will relate our Amtrak adventure for you; it is a fun way to travel, esp. if you go through Glacier National Park. Just don't take a trip that is too long...and maybe don't take the trip when you are worn out from playing with the grandkids...and don't take it from the middle of a city of 10 million souls on a Friday...or when you are in need of peace and quiet...otherwise you should try it!

Our three energetic and lively darlings: Maddie, Eli, Lexy.


Colleen said...

Congratulations Dave and Chris, Thom and Rebecca, Matt and Monika! Wow, what a season of celebration for you. Savour the moment and enjoy!

Colleen said...
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sasha said...

Hi all. Very sweet children - the big ones and the wee ones. I've just set up a profile pic so will see if my comment leaves a pic of my sweet little wee ones, too!

sasha said...

Yeah! It worked!