Saturday, April 21, 2007

Are People Fruits?

Last week I purchased the most beautiful, perfectly shaped, and deliciously colored apple. When I cut it open it was dark and rotten inside. Sometimes this happens with oranges as well: a plump juicy looking orange that is all dry and tasteless inside.

I have realized that some people are just like fruits. Some are beautiful and well groomed on the outside but not so delicious inside.

On the other hand, some of the loveliest people I've met are like organic fruits with uneven or lumpy exteriors - or even like spotty bananas - yet they are true treasures inside. Kind hearts, generous hearts, truly good people.

Almost everyone I know has been treated badly at one time or another by a some unpleasant or just plain mean person, But observation reassures me that wonderful people really are far and away in the majority. I know So many genuinely nice, thoughtful, and pleasant people. Sometimes they are also beautiful on the outside, sometimes not. Sometimes they are fashionable and sometimes not, but always they make me feel honored to be part of the human race.

Here's another of Jerry's pictures for you to enjoy! This is from his 'Urban Relics' collection.


nonizamboni said...

Beautiful insights -- and now that they're in your heart they'll serve you as you enter all the next phases of your life.

twneale said...

I think Jer's picture should be titled Skinkablinkajixt.

Anonymous said...

Well said.