Thursday, March 15, 2007

I HAD to Have Chickens

It is now officially spring and time to spruce up the gardens! We have moved the chickens into a new, bigger pen way out on the other side of the house because the strawberries will soon be leafing out in their old pen. The 'chicken tree' will soon put out cherry blossoms, and the silly birds would eat all of this new greenery, leaving us nothing.

So it fell to me to 'level out the ground' in the strawberry garden, as Dad put it. The chicken's constant tromping around in the snow and mud has left the strawberry patch with a smooth and shiny, albeit undulating surface. I march dutifully out with my 4 tined garden hoe and a small shovel and start hoeing the ground....yeah, this is NOT dirt...this is heaps and heaps of packed down chicken...manure. Those birds sat in the tree, all cute and birdlike, and pooped prodigious amounts of...poop all winter long. It must be compacted 3-4 inches thick. It has to be hoed loose and then shoveled into a wheelbarrow and carted across the yard to the compost heap. The smell is horrible! It makes me gag! omg,omg,omg...I can't believe I have to do this! was MY big fat idea to have chickens.

I took a hint from Jack Nicholson in 'Goin' South' - my favourite movie of all time - and donned this bandana. I just keep repeating 'I can do this all day long, I'm talking about aaaalll day long'.


The wacky Neale family said...

Sounds like a job for your HUSBAND.

kimberley francis said...

yukka yukka yuk! the day you go out to harvest the luscious strawberries will be a less yukky day.

good work. and watch your steps don't want to be slipping today.

Dave Neale said...

Job for her husband. Yeah... uh NO. It was her idea to have chickens. Although I do enjoy the fresh eggs!

H said...

Where would you be without your little cluckers ... oh without so much excitment! Miss you.

H said...

Sometimes my heart hurts when I drive by your old home cause I miss you so ... like today.