Monday, October 30, 2006

What Slow lane?!

OK. It is official - The slow lane is NOT slow. I can't believe how much there is to get done in a day now that we are retired! Are we crazy? We just keep taking on more things and starting more projects and now I hardly have time to get to the piano or the sewing machine. I really prefer being outside in the sun and fresh or in the workshop. I can't wait to start another table! I don't mind cooking and cleaning up the kitchen, and I will even do windows; but I don't have time or interest in vacuuming or mopping...

Look at the two tables I have recently finished - (with lots of help from my Dad).

This table has a beautiful top made of distressed barn wood. Dad planed the weathered and splintery gray surface of the wood so it is now varying shades of white, gold and... pink. We finished the top with a smooth satin varnish and lots of rubbing with steel wool. The top is pock marked with old nail holes into which I have poked sky blue glass bits. It makes the table sparkle just a little bit. It is whimsical and surprisingly sturdy! We sat around it today for our first business meeting in Jerry's new office.

This is a low coffee table - pretty standard but rustic and beautiful. See why I just can't get interested in sewing right now?

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