Friday, October 27, 2006

Thommy Bill

My son Thom asked me to write a post about how awesome he is. That should be easy. Mother's hearts easily warm to talking about their darlings...

This Thommy of mine was a sweet, cuddly, slightly grouchy, shy child; a sullen but caring and emotional teen - (his hormones were running so high, I swear the boy could not speak in complete sentences til he was 20, his most frequent utterance being a deep 'uhhh') ; he is now a startlingly capable, intelligent, articulate and focused twenty something. It is a delight watching him develop into a peer. His Dad says 'the kid has traction.'

Thom was born during the 'Care Bear' years and I dubbed him my 'tenderheart bear'. He has always affectionate and protective of me. I feel safe with him; He makes me feel loved.

He has a ridiculous silly streak and has always kept us laughing - rumor has it he can get a whole roomful of California Supreme Court staffers laughing as well.

Here's Thom and his sweetheart Rebecca, affectionately known in 'thomspeak' as R-Geeb.


Rebecca Green said...

Even though you'll be able to take more pictures of Thom in a few week, I will send you more pictures of Thom in the next few days!
--RG :)

Dave Neale said...

whose the bald guy?