I marvel at the humble blog; people from all around the world check in and leave me kind and pleasant notes. England, Holland, Australia, Texas, Washington, Illinois, California, Alberta, British Columbia, these are the ones I know about. What a wonderful way to be in touch! Some of my 'commenters' are cyber friends I have never met. One has sent me a link to the weather in Oz - Ohhhh, they have it good down under; fully 40 degrees warmer than we are here!
I do, however, love the seasonal changes, and I really love winter. Yesterday there were 16 -18 inches of fresh powder at the ski hill; how can you not love that! We had a blast. I skied very aggressively in order to keep up with my guy friends (silly at my age, I know, but I couldn't help myself). Powder is heavy, and the skiing is strenuous. I fell multiple times, twice at speed. Knowing we would be stiff and sore today, we stopped at friend Bill's hot tub on the way home. At 102 degrees it was divine.

1 comment:
oh my! it's you! :)
big big hugs!
just yesterday i came upon a sweet photobooth pic of you and me, back from the days of our "scooping the earth" moves in our bare feet.
well, i just have been reading some of your news and i feel a pen to page letter is in order for discussing the bigger stuff, but i'm so delighted to see you and dave in your winter coats having snowy adventures.
i can relate to your slippy whiplash episode. i've had a bad cold the last couple of weeks and woke up to not being able to move. the chiropractor eventually told me i'd dislocated a couple of ribs perhaps in my sleep (?!) carazy! anyway he coaxed the ribs back into their usual places and now the muscles are just kinda sore.
anyway chris! much love to you and dave!
big hugs!
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