Monday, February 19, 2007

Matutinal Moment

My Dad is a crossword fanatic. He does the daily puzzle in the USA Today paper in about 20 minutes and seldom needs any help from me. In January I decided to subscribe to the Sunday New York Times, partly for the news, and partly for a more challenging crossword puzzle.

We have been challenged! We are also learning new words; today's new word is matutinal, defined as: of or pertaining to morning, and pronounced as ma TOOT inal. That is a new one on all of us! I'm really trying to think of a way to use 'matutinal' in a sentence; got any good ideas?

Here's how the river looked last week, it is really starting to thaw. No more glass plates or baubles in evidence anywhere; but we have the occasional 'BOOM' as great slabs of ice break off and crash down into the water.

Here's the promised picture of us in our ski instructor duds. It was taken last Thursday; look at all the fresh powder! Subliminal message: Come skiing with us you must!
And, at long last, here is the result of the mystery quilt class I took. This represents about 60 hours work and I figure it is about half completed. It is a LOT of work, but I love it!

1 comment:

Matthew Francis said...

That is a very beautiful quilt!