Monday, January 22, 2007

We Walked on Water Today!

The river has frozen to a depth of 2 feet or in some places even 3 feet. It has frozen and thawed and refrozen in so many layers and shapes that it looks like a long snake of glass art lying on the ground.

There are crystal mini stalactites and stalagmites, there is glass lace, there are large frozen bubbles all heaped up in a globular pile, and there is white fringe art.

Underneath the whole is the deep gutteral murmuring of icy water rushing along. In a few places the ice is open and the river's usual voice comes through babbling crisply.

Last week the ice was a light green color but today it was covered with a fresh dusting of snow. We donned our ski garb but instead of ski boots we wore 'packs'. We grabbed ski poles, as if hiking, and a camera and took off right down the middle of the river to check out all our favorite fishing holes. What a wonderland exists right out the back window.

The sun was shining today, it was below freezing but well above where the temps have been. The air was SO fresh, the sky so blue, the companionship so warm.

Yes, I know I have been absent from the blog scene lately; the Holiday season seems to have daunted many bloggers. Thanks for letting me know you missed me!

We had a wonderful holiday: great food, great family and many dear friends. We had visits by BroJer, Roy and Terry, HeatherDarling and Thom. We skied downhill till we ached, X-Country skied till we wheezed, soaked in Bill's hot tub till we were noodles (some of us rolled our soaked bodies in the frozen and crusted snow - that hurt!). We cooked, baked, ate, drank, hugged, and celebrated fully. It was....

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