Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bad Hair Day

I couldn't get into my regular hair dresser so I breezed into Sensations Salon in booming downtown Salmon. Most people might plan ahead when getting a major appearance update, i.e. hair cut, but when you have really short hair things can change one day to the next! Plus, I like to keep a measure of spontaneity in my life -I want a hair cut when I want it!...besides, it is just hair.

So. I announce to the hair dresser that I would like a 'Pixie' cut (that is what Jenny, my usual hairdressser, calls it) with lots of spikeyness on top and fringy around the face. In MY mind those are pretty descriptive words and I can really see what I want.

30 minutes later I emerge from the salon feeling definitely UN-pixie like. This hair cut has no variation. ALL my hair is the same length - very short. The hairdresser would not cut varying lengths to texturize the hair, she even scoffed at my suggestion! Then she sprayed tons of a very sticky spray into the now uniform length fluff she left me with, and jammed her fingers repeatedly into the sticky mess in an attempt to make it spike.

Instead of looking like a pixie, I look like a toilet brush!

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